What are the Christmas these days? Is it time for guiltless shopping, fake kindness, forced “family time” and kitchen slavery caused by tradition of Christmas Dinner aka gluttony without a sense of guilt or reason?

Where is the root cause of all that madness?

Is it all the fault of supermarkets and online stores? Is it because of declining belief in God and Tradition? Is it due to a of laziness of parents, who replace their time with children for toys, so kids can play with themselves, and adults can have some “rest and peace”? Is due to need to show off the riches of ones wallet? To prove success? Or due to need for pangs of conscience to restore neglected connections (for a week, just to forget about them for another year).

Shopping season for “gifts” starts right after Halloween and continues for 2 months. Sale after sale after sale.

Is there is any hope for a Christmas line in old songs and tales? Was there ever time like this?

I don’t believe it anymore…