December 2019

Christmas Holiday


What are the Christmas these days? Is it time for guiltless shopping, fake kindness, forced “family time” and kitchen slavery caused by tradition of Christmas Dinner aka gluttony without a sense of guilt or reason? Where is the root cause of all that madness? Is it all the fault of supermarkets and online [...]

Christmas Holiday2019-12-26T15:49:40+00:00

The Nutcracker – The Royal Ballet


There are some stories that are universal and regardless of were do you live, it is very likely that you have heard about them. When I was a child, a have watched an animated film called "The Nutcracker" and ever since that moment, it became one of those films without which Christmas was [...]

The Nutcracker – The Royal Ballet2019-12-18T05:25:39+00:00

Investing for the future


When I grew up, as a kid in 1990-2000s in Poland, no one talked about personal budgeting like I see it now in social media and TV. Everyone had a job, better or worse, earned and been payed at the beginning of the month and either spend it all on living, or saved a bit [...]

Investing for the future2019-12-01T00:30:29+00:00

March 2019

Escape from Social Media, YouTube and Internet


Before you read... Please do not jump into conclusion that I'm against the Technological Evolution and make Internet source of all evil. What I try to say, is that I might be more vulnerable and prone to influence of Social Media, that I might have a weaker will, and could be easier manipulated than others. [...]

Escape from Social Media, YouTube and Internet2019-03-21T12:38:20+00:00

Unavoidable Changes


There are times in our life, when we reach the point of Unavoidable Change. When anything that we do seem to lead us to make a decision, which pushes us out of our comfort zone - and to say that we "make" this decision ourselves is an overstatement, because we usually have very little [...]

Unavoidable Changes2019-03-20T17:48:35+00:00

February 2019

A beer with Miss Death – Short Novel Part 1


It was one of those days when you don't expect anything exciting to happen. I looked through the window of my bedroom to confirm another grey day caused by overcast sky. Fully covered by fluffy clouds with no blue patches - I call it "eternal greyness" - this monochrome ceiling always makes me feel depressed. [...]

A beer with Miss Death – Short Novel Part 12019-02-25T19:38:04+00:00

December 2016

Rok 2016 – czas na rozliczenie


Rok 2016 na pierwszy rzut oka minął nie zostawiając po sobie żadnej większej zmiany w moim życiu. Pracuje tam gdzie pracowałem, mieszkam tam gdzie mieszkałem, jeżdżę tym samym autem i wciąż jestem typem samotnika. Nie zmieniłem wiary a poglądy na życie również w większości pozostały te same. W większości.   Rok to długi okres czasu; [...]

Rok 2016 – czas na rozliczenie2016-12-26T15:28:16+00:00

March 2016



mnmlist : less Stop buying the unnecessary. Toss half your stuff, learn contentedness. Reduce half again. List 4 essential things in your life, do these first, stop doing the non-essential. Clear distractions, focus on each moment. Let go of attachment to doing, having more. Fall in love with less.   Recently I stumbled upon a [...]


December 2015

Roll 6 – Adox Color Implosion 100


Shot with Olympus OM-2n and 35/f2.0 & 50/f1.4 6.1 & 6.2 It was during my walk from Portsmouth to Havant, when passing the bushes on the right side of footpath, I noticed those fluffy/puffy plants. I came closer to inspect them. Composition plays extremely [...]

Roll 6 – Adox Color Implosion 1002019-02-27T19:29:45+00:00
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